Amedeo Guarino

Amedeo Guarino

Il dottor Amedeo Guarino è un medico chirurgo, specialista ortopedico, con importanti esperienze nazionali ed all’estero. Ha incentrato la sua formazione principalmente sul ginocchio.

Esperienza professionale

Dal 28/12/2017: Università Federico II di Napoli, Medico chirurgo ortopedico, specializzando in medicina pubblica

2013-2014: Universidad de Murcia, Erasmus Exchange Program

2022: Lyon Ortho Clinic


  • Rizzo M, Balato G, Cerbasi S, Costa G, Guarino A, Mariconda M, Long-Term survival and results at a mean f-up period of 24 years of a Tapered Straight, Collarless, Grit-Blasted, Titanium Alloy Stem” (J Artrhroplasty, 20 Jun 2020, 35(12):3644-36492020 Dec.)
  • Rizzo M, Russo AP, Guarino A, Izzo A, Mariconda M. ” A comparative study of combined intravenous and topical administration of tranexamic acid with topical tranexamic acid alone for blood loss reduction after primary uncemented total hip arthroplasty.” J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 2020; 34:105-10
  • M.A. Basso, M. Rizzo, G. Famiglietti, A. Guarino, R. de Giovanni and F. Smeraglia “Thumb basal joint interpositional arthroplasty: a systematic review” (Journal of biological regulators & homeostatic agents) Vol. 34, no 5 (S1). 0-0 (2020)
  • Vittoria Buccigrossi, Carla Russo, Amedeo Guarino, Maiara Brusco de Freitas Alfredo Guarino Mechanisms of antidiarrhoeal effects by diosmectite in human intestinal cells” (Gut Pathog 2017 eCollection 2017.)
  • Guarino A, Farinelli L. Iacono V, Screpis D, Rizzo M, Zorzi C, Mariconda M. “Soft tissue lateral extra-articular tenodesis associated to ACL reconstruction in the pediatric patient” (Orthopedic Reviews)
  • Padovani L. lacono V, Guarino A., Natali S,, De Matteo V, Zorzi C, Mariconda M. “Achilles insertional tendinopathy. Surgical treatment with double row technique” (Orthopedic Reviews)
  • Alessio Cimmino, Emanuela Roscetto, Marco Masi, Angela Tuzi, Imene Radjai, Gahdab Chakali, Rossella Paolillo, Amedeo Guarino, Maria R. Catania, Antonio Evidente “Sesquiterpenes belonging to different subgroups from Cotula cinerea with antibiotic activity against clinical isolates of Enterococcus faecalis” [Antibiotics]
  • Alessio Bernasconi; Maria RIZZO; Salvatore VALLEFUOCO; Anna Paola RUSSO: Valentina ROSSI; Biagio ABATE; Amedeo GUARINO; Massimo MARICONDA. “Bösch osteotomy for Hallux Valgus correction: results at a mean 10-year follow-up” (International Orthopaedics)
  • Enrico Festa, Tiziana Ascione, Alessio Bernasconi, Donato Di Gennaro, Morena Anna Basso, Amedeo Guarino, Giovanni Balato. Performance of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio, Monocyte to Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio, and Platelet to Mean Platelet Volume Ratio in Periprosthetic Hip and Knee Infections: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis (Diagnostic)
  • Rizzo M, Tammaro G, Guarino A, Basso M, Cozzolino A, Mariconda M. Quality of Life in osteoporotic patients. Orthop Rev (Pavia). 2022 Oct 13:14(6):38562. doi: 10.52965/001c.38562. PMID: 36267218; PMCID: PMC9568431.
  • Costa GG, Franzese V. Cozzolino A, Rizzo M, Cerbasi S, Guarino A, Lepore S, Schiraldi M, Mariconda M. Gamma nail versus percutaneous compression plate for the treatment of intertrochanteric hip fractures: a multicenter pair-matched study. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2022 Dec 19 doi: 10.1007/s00590-022-03441-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36534367.
  • Sanduzzi Zamparelli S, Mormile M, Sanduzzi Zamparelli A, Guarino A, Parrella R, Bocchino M. Clinical impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis. Infez Med. 2022 Dec 1:30(4):495-500. doi: 10.53854/liim-3004-3. PMID: 36482953: PMCID: PMC9715002.
  • Computed tomography improves the diagnostic accuracy but not the interobserver reliability of the Boileau classification of proximal humerus fracture sequelae Andrea Cozzolino, Paolofrancesco Malfi, Roberto de Giovanni, Alfonso Fedele, Giovanni Rusconi, Amedeo Guarino, Francesco Di Pietto, and Raffaele Russo Shoulder & Elbow 2023, Vol. 0(0) 1-7.

Cita l'articolo
. Amedeo Guarino [Internet]. 2023 Gen [cited 2024 Sep 8]. Available from: